Wednesday, April 3, 2024

São Bernardo (1972) Directed by Leon Hirszman | VIDEO | VHS (ISO)

Synopsis :
The story of Paulo Honório, a poor kid who becomes a rich farmer. Obsessed by his desire to get even richer, he doesn't pay much attention to his wife, Madalena, a teacher who reacts against his tyrannical ways.

A história de Paulo Honório, um garoto pobre que se torna um rico fazendeiro. Obcecado pelo desejo de ficar ainda mais rico, ele não dá muita atenção à esposa, Madalena, uma professora que reage contra seus modos tirânicos.
Title :  São Bernardo (1972)
Directed by Leon Hirszman
Duration : 112 min.
Audio in português
Genres : Drama
Countries : Brazil 

1 comment:

  1.ão_Bernardo_(1972)_Leon_Hirszman.rarão Bernardo (1972) Leon Hirszman.rar.html


The Birdcage Inn (Palan Taemun, 1998) Directed by Kim Ki-Duk | VIDEO (MKV)

Synopsis : Birdcage Inn is a drama about experiences moulding people's lives. After the clearing of the red light districts in Seoul, a ...