Synopsis :
In this melancholy romance, a not-so-young ballerina recalls an earlier, tragic love affair. The heroine, Marie (Maj-Britt Nilsson), spends a summer with her possessive Uncle Erland (Georg Funkquist), who lives with his cancerous wife on an island near Stockholm. While staying with her uncle, who may have intimidated her into a sexual relationship, Marie befriends an innocent youth, Henrik (Birger Malmsten), with whom she soon falls in love. As the glorious summer comes to an end and autumn approaches, harkening Marie's return to the mainland and her dancing career, the lovers express their love to each other. But a fatal swimming mishap brings an end to the affair. Marie continues with her life, but she fails to come to terms with the tragic past. Later, Marie receives the diary that she kept during that memorable summer. She thereupon returns to the island, where she again meets her ghoulish Uncle Erland. Repulsed by his cynicism, Marie determines to recover her joy of living. She returns to Stockholm and shares the diary with her lover, a smarmy journalist (Alf Kjellin). In the concluding scene, she expresses her regained exuberance while dancing. A pivotal film in Ingmar Bergman's oeuvre, Sommarlek marked his maturation as a master filmmaker capable of evocative imagery and poignant expression. Of particular note are the unsettling scenes between Marie and her ominous uncle, framed and lit to emphasize the disturbing nature of their relationship. Maj-Britt Nilsson's performance as Marie is also remarkable, enhanced by Bergman's increasing mastery of the close-up. The splendid achievement of Sommarlek signalled a long succession of masterworks that ensued until Bergman's withdrawal from filmmaking in the 1980s. Les Stone
Title : Sommarlek (1950)
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Duration : 95 min.
Subtitles : Portuguese
Audio Original in Swedish
Genres : Drama, Romance, Teather
Countries : Sweden
Friday, April 5, 2024
Summer Interlude (Sommarlek, 1950) Directed by Ingmar Bergman | VIDEO (MKV)
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
O Amuleto de Ogum (1974) Directed by Nelson Pereira Dos Santos | VIDEO | VHS (ISO)
Synopsis :
To entertain some thieves, a blind guitar player tells them the story of a man from the Northeast of Brazil, involved with criminals living in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, who allegedly had a "closed body", meaning that his body couldn't be hit by bullets or other weapons, by the wish of Ogum, one of the gods of Candomblé, a religion common in Brazil and Africa.
Para entreter alguns ladrões, um violonista cego conta a história de um homem do Nordeste do Brasil, envolvido com criminosos que moravam no subúrbio do Rio de Janeiro, que supostamente tinha um "corpo fechado", ou seja, seu corpo não poderia ser atingido por balas ou outras armas, por vontade de Ogum, um dos deuses do Candomblé, religião comum no Brasil e na África.
Title : O Amuleto de Ogum (1974)
Directed by Nelson Pereira Dos Santos
Duration : 112 min.
Audio in português
Genres : Drama
Countries : Brazil
São Bernardo (1972) Directed by Leon Hirszman | VIDEO | VHS (ISO)
Synopsis :
The story of Paulo Honório, a poor kid who becomes a rich farmer. Obsessed by his desire to get even richer, he doesn't pay much attention to his wife, Madalena, a teacher who reacts against his tyrannical ways.
A história de Paulo Honório, um garoto pobre que se torna um rico fazendeiro. Obcecado pelo desejo de ficar ainda mais rico, ele não dá muita atenção à esposa, Madalena, uma professora que reage contra seus modos tirânicos.
Title : São Bernardo (1972)
Directed by Leon Hirszman
Duration : 112 min.
Audio in português
Genres : Drama
Countries : Brazil
Copacabana me engana (1968) Directed by Antonio Carlos Fontoura | VIDEO | VHS (ISO)
Synopsis :
Copacabana is a film that tells the story of a typical Copacabana middle-class family: the children who are part of the youth left on the streets, without defined prospects, and the parents, who start to live their old age brooding over dreams of happiness that cannot be performed.
Copacabana é um filme que conta a história de uma típica família de classe média copacabana: os filhos que fazem parte da juventude deixada nas ruas, sem perspectivas definidas, e os pais, que passam a viver a velhice remoendo sonhos de felicidade que não podem ser realizados.
Title : Copacabana me engana (1969)
Directed by Antonio Carlos Fontoura
Duration : 112 min.
Audio in Português
Genres : Drama, Comedy
Countries : Brazil
Monday, April 1, 2024
Os Cafajestes (1962) Directed by Ruy Guerra | VIDEO | VHS (ISO)
Synopsis :
Jandir and his friend Vavá, a playboy, live in the world of drugs and sex in Copacabana. But Vavá's situation is not good, as his father is at risk of losing everything he has. That's when the duo comes up with the idea of taking compromising photos of Leda, Vavá's uncle's lover, with the aim of blackmailing him. They take her to a deserted beach and, after taking photos, rape her.
Jandir e seu amigo Vavá, um playboy, vivem no mundo das drogas e sexo de Copacabana. Só que a situação de Vavá não é boa, já que seu pai corre o risco de perder tudo o que tem. É quando a dupla tem a ideia de tirar fotos comprometedoras de Leda, a amante do tio de Vavá, no intuito de chantageá-lo. Eles a levam a uma praia deserta e, após tirarem as fotos, a estupram.
Title : Os Caafajestes (1962)
Directed by Ruy Guerra
Duration : 121 min.
Musical score by Luis Bonfá
Audio in Português
Genres : Drama, Crime
Countries : Brazil
The Birdcage Inn (Palan Taemun, 1998) Directed by Kim Ki-Duk | VIDEO (MKV)
Synopsis : Birdcage Inn is a drama about experiences moulding people's lives. After the clearing of the red light districts in Seoul, a ...
Synopsis : With a structure similar to an organic poem, "FINIS TERRAE" transcends the linear narrative of a mere documentary. Film...
Synopsis : How typical of the great German director F. W. Murnau that he used Moliere's scathing satirical comedy Tartuffe as a launchin...
Synopsis : The German The Haunted Castle (Schloss Vogelrod) has been described as director F.W. Murnau's "warm-up" for his su...